Thursday, February 21, 2013

Due Tuesday, 2/26

At the beginning of Tuesday's class, you need to have a sketch of your idea for the poster design. This can just be a pencil sketch. The final design can be illustrated, or it can be photography-driven, or it ca use collage - though the images should be in the public domain, or at least tweaked enough that they could be defended on a "fair use" basis. But come to class armed with an image/idea.

In preparation, please listen to the bands in the "BAND LINKS" column to the right. Street Joy and Tasty Treat will have more information regarding venues and dates - so if you want to set integrating the text into the design as a good "design problem," pick one of those. Otherwise, let the music guide you - pick the band whose sound you respond to the most, or which gives you the strongest mental images.

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